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About Us

Tehama County Mosquito and Vector Control District

Formed 1917

DISTRICT:         Tehama County Mosquito and Vector Control District

                              11861 Highway 99W      P. O. Box 1005

                              Red Bluff, CA.  96080      (530) 527-1676

                                                                Fax  (530) 527-1676


      Corning Office 

      912 Colusa Street             (530) 824-5636


District Boundaries:                County lines.


THE DISTRICT AREA:                               

    Service Area:                                   1,100 square miles in the District.

    Primary land use:    Urban, Agricultural, Municipal, Industrial, and Timber.

    Population:    Estimate        50,000 inside the District Service Area

                                                5,000 in the County outside of Service Area



    Date of Formation: 2/6/17, 12/1/52, and 10/24/55, consolidated 7/1/90, expanded 8/05

    Enabling Act:          California Health & Safety Code Sections 2200 - 2426

    Governing Body:                Board of Trustees -  Seven Members

            Four appointed by Board of Supervisors

Chuck Brower, George Lindner, Rodney Hofhenke, Greg Jones

            One appointed by City of Red Bluff

                        Ron Etzler

            One appointed by City of Corning

                        Ross Turner

One appointed by City of Tehama

                        Robert Mitchell

    Administrator:         Manager,  D. Andrew Cox

    Staff: Ast. Manager John Larzabal,

Technicians:  Eric Junge, Willie Church, Shane Joseph, Kevin Barnes



    Currently Provided:                 Mosquito and Vector Abatement